ISOBUS Gateway

ISOBUS Gateway.
Connect to your tractor's existing technology through SAM's ISOBUS Gateway.
This add-on is an option for all SAM e-Spreaders. It is retrofittable. It simply connects your e-Spreader screen to your tractor.
This means you can use the following ISOBUS features:
- Task control
- Sectional control
- Headland control
- Variable rates
- Proof of placement (reporting what is spread)
Whether you are using GPS/reporting platforms such as Topcon, Trimble or Greenstar, your SAM will be compatible. This sets you up with a future proofed spreader that combines well with most tractor brands.
Smart Features
Automatic sectional control
This uses the sectional control from your tractor's GPS platform to turn the spreader on and off where required. This avoids application overlap.
Headland control
Automatically turns the machine off when entering the headlands. And back on again when exiting.
Variable rates
Gives the ability to vary your application rate based on the rate set from your tractor's GPS platform. In a nutshell, they talk with each other. Your tractor tells your e-Spreader what rate to apply and where.
Integrates all of the mapping functions you have in your tractor.
Watch a SAM in action