Parts & Services
Instruction and parts manuals
Tip: the first two digits of your serial number are the year it was produced.
SAM Fertiliser Spreaders (manual drive)
SAM Combo Spreaders (manual drive)
SAM Topcon Control Spreaders
SAM Feed Wagons
SAM Hydraulic Trailers
SAM Quick Hitch
SAM Orchard Spreaders
Help with parts identification & troubleshooting
- Spreader spinner tube identification (400mm floor belt models)
- Combo spreader spinner tube identification (800mm floor belt models)
- Parts for hubs and stubs - bearings
- Parts for hubs and stubs - seal dimensions Mk1-Mk6
- Trouble shooting for the Iconix FX15 display and weight scales
- Wiring diagram for the Iconix FX15
- Trouble shooting for the Hydraulic valve block HCV1918A